Representation of a decoded symbol.
List of all members.
Detailed Description
Representation of a decoded symbol.
This symbol does not hold any references to unmanaged resources.
Definition at line 33 of file Symbol.cs.
Property Documentation
int ZBar.Symbol.Count [get] |
Retrieve current cache count.
When the cache is enabled for the image_scanner this provides inter-frame reliability and redundancy information for video streams. < 0 if symbol is still uncertain. 0 if symbol is newly verified. > 0 for duplicate symbols
Definition at line 76 of file Symbol.cs.
string ZBar.Symbol.Data [get] |
Data decoded from symbol.
Definition at line 85 of file Symbol.cs.
int ZBar.Symbol.Quality [get] |
Get a symbol confidence metric.
An unscaled, relative quantity: larger values are better than smaller values, where "large" and "small" are application dependent.
Definition at line 97 of file Symbol.cs.
Type of decoded symbol
Definition at line 106 of file Symbol.cs.
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